Problems can be a benefit, because they push you to do something different, to try something new, to improve, to be more creative, to achieve what you never thought you could.
La paz, la rectitud, la equidad, la justicia, la bondad, la misericordia y el amor cubrirán toda la tierra en el mañana de Dios, cuando el mundo entero sea libre.
No te desanimes cuando todo se vea negro. Enfrentar la derrota con un semblante adusto no mejorará la situación. En muchos casos, una sonrisa en medio de las lágrimas es ya una victoria.
Look for five things on which you can compliment your spouse, children, or friends today.
The things that are the most relaxing are often simple things that don't take a lot of preparation, forethought, or planning.

Hvis planene dine slår feil, spør deg selv om det kanskje finnes en bedre plan et sted, en plan som venter på å bli oppdaget.
Do you think millions of people throughout the ages would have believed in prayer if it didn’t work? Discover the power of prayer for yourself. It’s no secret! And it’s available for free; all you have to do is try it.
Expand your horizons, because that will expand your influence, your possibilities, and your abilities.
Le difficoltà, come una lavatrice, ci strizzano e ci sbattono di qua e di là, ma alla fine ne usciamo fuori migliori e più brillanti di prima.