Ambiţia este fie un servitor, fie un stăpân. Înţelepciunea este să ştii care dintre ele se află în viaţa ta.
Problems can be a benefit, because they push you to do something different, to try something new, to improve, to be more creative, to achieve what you never thought you could.
La paz, la rectitud, la equidad, la justicia, la bondad, la misericordia y el amor cubrirán toda la tierra en el mañana de Dios, cuando el mundo entero sea libre.
No te desanimes cuando todo se vea negro. Enfrentar la derrota con un semblante adusto no mejorará la situación. En muchos casos, una sonrisa en medio de las lágrimas es ya una victoria.
Look for five things on which you can compliment your spouse, children, or friends today.
The things that are the most relaxing are often simple things that don't take a lot of preparation, forethought, or planning.

Hvis planene dine slår feil, spør deg selv om det kanskje finnes en bedre plan et sted, en plan som venter på å bli oppdaget.
Do you think millions of people throughout the ages would have believed in prayer if it didn’t work? Discover the power of prayer for yourself. It’s no secret! And it’s available for free; all you have to do is try it.
Expand your horizons, because that will expand your influence, your possibilities, and your abilities.
Le difficoltà, come una lavatrice, ci strizzano e ci sbattono di qua e di là, ma alla fine ne usciamo fuori migliori e più brillanti di prima.
Jangan sekali-kali menganggap remeh kekuatan kasih untuk merubah hati dan pikiran. Kasih dapat memberikan inspirasi baru untuk menangani apa yang tampaknya tidak mungkin.
Stretch out your arms and give your loved one a hug today; it will do both of you a world of good.
Life isn't only about getting to the destination—it's also about the journey. The journey is the important part, what you take time for, what you learn and experience along the way.
A túl nagy siker veszélyes lehet! Néha jobb elbukni, mert a bukás szerénységet tanít; és szerénységgel sokkal többet érsz el az embereknél, mint erőszakossággal.
Υπάρχει Κάποιος που γνωρίζει και καταλαβαίνει την κάθε σου σκέψη και συναίσθημα–την ευχαρίστηση και τον πόνο, τη χαρά και τη λύπη–και αντιλαμβάνεται τις πιο βαθιές ανάγκες και λαχτάρες της καρδιάς σου.
A working man must not forget the art of playing, lest he lose the energy and inspiration needed for his work.
We should expect to emerge from each difficulty better for the experience.
Großartigkeit wird oft von Großzügigkeit begleitet. Größe und Geben gehen Hand in Hand. Sie sind praktisch ein und dasselbe.
Si vous avez blessé quelqu’un par une remarque désobligeante, qu’elle soit ou non intentionnelle, surtout ne tardez pas à présenter vos excuses. Plus vous attendrez, plus ce sera difficile.
A deep friendship is like a rainbow. When the perfect amounts of happiness and tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between two hearts.
A lot of “good” things have to be let go of in order to find the best.
Haz de la dadivosidad un hábito. Ya sea que te brindes a ti mismo, que des de tu tiempo o de tu dinero, que ofrezcas palabras de aliento o prestes un oído compasivo, te proporcionará una paz y una alegría insuperables.
El amor y la amistad son obsequios que reciben con frecuencia quienes se olvidan de sí mismos y se brindan a los demás.
Your mind is like a garden. Tend it well by filling it with positive, encouraging, and faith-building thoughts
It's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get up and keep going.
Succesul este un lucru minunat, dar nu subestima niciodată valoarea eşecului. Eşecul îi învaţă pe oameni mai multe decât ar putea vreodată succesul.
Hvis du lar stress diktere deg og lar det ta bort gleden ved å ha familie og venner, er det som å la en fiende fortelle deg hva du skal gjøre med livet ditt.
Never confuse a mere bend in the road with the end of the line.
Love is God’s answer to the problems of the world today. His love—and particularly an example of His love in action—is something the world sees so little of.